Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Issue #2 Reflection

During the second issue, I kind of overcame one of my fears of interviewing an adult. Before the interview with this adult, i was really nervous, but during the interview I wasn't as tense I thought I was going to be. Having that interview with the adult helped me find out a lot of information for my story.
But however, my weakness was scheduling an interview with a coach that I heard was really harsh. This caused me not to finish my story on time. But for this next issue I hope I would not do it again. And by doing that, I have not be scared of said-to-be harsh coaches, teachers, or anybody. I also will interview the people I need to get my interviews done before I write my story, not slack and procrastinate when writing my stories. I will try to meet my deadlines [:


Shannen said...

heyy great reflection,
I want to say that I can relate to your fear of interviewing adults but honestly all I can do is reassure you that its not really a big deal. But good to hear you overcame it!

I find that it helps when you have practiced saying your questions outloud, like yenno you could say it to yourself or like practice with a friend.

I hope you have better luck with scheduling interviews. Btw, the coaches can be alittle intimidating. ;D
that i can get!!

Shiloh aKa Master said...

All you have to do when you're interviewing an adult is remember they're just a person. Just and old person. Also if you act mature then you can have a pretty normal conversation.

tAUiLO c(: said...

hey well I feel like we all need to work on turning in our things on time and before the deadline.

It's good that you overcame your fear,and I hope you continue interviews with confidence

Christine said...

That's good you overcame your fear. I had the same thing too but when I interview adults that Im not totally familliar with I just thimk of them as the most cool people and that they won't yell at me for just interviewing them :)

klaire said...

HI! Welcome to the world of journalism- great place of networking, meeting, and interviewing many different people. Newswriting ultimately helps with both communication and social skills. Did you know that by interviewing a lot and being able to talk to various people helps with public speaking skills? Well, at least that's what I think. Anyway, nice reflection. Don't "try" to meet deadlines.. "MEET IT" LOL!

Danielle said...

Hey Annalene,
Well it's good that you overcame that fear and were able to do your interview. And about turning stories in on time, I definitely agree. I have a hard time with that too :)

bRadLeY∞™ said...

I agree with you when you said that you were nervous when it's time to interview an adult. I get nervous a lot; even when it's a student. Try not to procrastinate because I procrastinate and I don't really get my work done on time or I don't do it at all.

Shiloh aKa Master said...

HaHA!! Bradley sounds mature right there!!!